[DGD] Zero compatibility

Kevin Carpenter kevinc at kplace.monrou.com
Mon Dec 15 15:47:49 CET 1997

Felix A. Croes write:
> A change I would prefer (which would make the server incompatible with
> LPmud 2.4.5, and thus was abandoned with regret) would be to initialize
> variables to `null' rather than integer 0, `null' being a special value
> that is equal to nothing but itself, and has typeof(null) == T_NONE.
> Null can then be a safe neutral element for addition.

Felix -

Is this decission cast in stone?  I'd much rather have the ability to
store 0 as a mapping value than to have LPmud 2.4.5 capability.  It
would clean up code, allowing the removal of some hacks.
Kevin Carpenter
(Expressing his comments from home in St. Louis, where this message originated)

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