[DGD] parse_string() & removal of ()'s

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Fri Feb 13 12:16:19 CET 1998

> This question is in regard to the parse_string() kfun and the omission of
> the ()'s from production rules.  Basically, it's mentioned that functions
> can be used to shape the returned parse tree, but I'm having an extremely
> hard time visualizing it. :)  I guess the best way to ask this question or
> address the issue is to present an example.

And I'll respond with one:

    whitespace = / /
    word = /[a-z]+/

    Thing: Noun
    Thing: SubAdjs Noun
    Noun: word
    Adjs: word Adjs
    Adjs: word
    SubAdjs: Adjs ? do_the_sub_thing

Now for different versions of do_the_sub_thing():

    mixed *do_the_sub_thing(mixed *adjs)
	return ({ adjs });

=> ({ ({ "big", "blue" }), "bottle" })

    mixed *do_the_sub_thing(mixed *adjs)
	return adjs;

=> ({ "big", "blue", "bottle" })

    mixed *do_the_sub_thing(mixed *adjs)
	return ({ });

=> ({ "bottle" })

    mixed *do_the_sub_thing(mixed *adjs)
	return adjs - ({ "blue", "green" });

=> ({ "big", "bottle" })

    mixed *do_the_sub_thing(mixed *adjs)
	return 0;

=> 0


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