[DGD] Extremely large nested structures

Ling K.L.Lo-94 at student.lboro.ac.uk
Wed Jul 1 20:20:37 CEST 1998

Evening everyone,

I've been looking at using octrees to implement a 3D mechanism.  What this
means is that I'll need some sort of large nested structure with 8
elements, within each element may be another 8 elements.

So... would it be idiotic to have bookkeeping objects that contain one
octree with a depth of roughly 11+?  Note that octrees can and will be
sparse so it wouldn't always take up 1024*1024*1024 elements.  Is this bad
for the driver?  Affects on swapping?  I'm hoping arrays are shared within
an object so can pass the array around within without any adverse

Alternatively... I could set up an object version of the same structure.
Each node = one object....

  |    Ling Lo of Remora (Top Banana)
_O_O_  Elec Eng Dept, Loughborough University, UK.     kllo at iee.org

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