[DGD] Unknown kernel library features, part 1

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Thu Mar 12 18:59:09 CET 1998

1) The kernel library keeps track of the amount of ticks used per wizard.
   Moreover, as with other resources, a maximum amount can be set.  While
   this does not help in profiling individual objects, it does put the
   responsibility for efficiency of code clearly in the hands of the
   wizard, where it belongs.

2) A mechanism is included in the kernel library to allow for a
   second-level auto object.  The normal auto object is inherited by
   all objects, including kernel library objects.  If new functionality
   or more restrictions are desired in non-kernel objects, this can
   be accomplished by making a second-level auto object which is
   automatically inherited by non-kernel objects:

   Register an object manager with the driver object (see
   /doc/kernel/hook/driver), and let path_special() return a special
   include file for those objects in which you want the extra auto
   object to be inherited; put the inherit statement in this include

   The second auto object reduces the need for modifications in the
   kernel library itself.  I will continue to update this library in
   every new release of DGD; I will make sure that it will take
   advantage of new features of DGD, such as multi-threading.  Those
   who use it will be able to upgrade smoothly to the latest and
   greatest version, as long as they extend it using the proper hooks,
   rather than by modifying the kernel library itself.


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