[DGD] Re: 1.1.37

Wim van der Vegt wvd_vegt at knoware.nl
Mon Mar 16 17:08:05 CET 1998

Hi Felix,

So you could add support for listening to multiple ports (and store them in
a config file)?

The number of protocols that need outbound connections to be initiated by
the server isn't large. Webster dictionary & ftp server (which isn't very
usefull if the mud is down and can be programmed in pasv mode too) are
perhaps the most common ones. Intermud is UDG based if my memory isn't

Accepting inbound connections would enable us to program http, chat, finger,
whois servers etc.
Wim van der Vegt / Dutch Open University, dep. OTEC

-----Original Message-----
From: Felix A. Croes <felix at xs1.simplex.nl>
To: dgd at imaginary.com <dgd at imaginary.com>
Date: maandag 16 maart 1998 16:55
Subject: [DGD] Re: 1.1.37

>What I consider unsafe about the net package is the fact that it allows
>outbound connections.

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