[DGD] Re: Net Security

Par Winzell zell at alyx.com
Mon Mar 16 20:00:07 CET 1998

> Although I understand your concern, wouldn't this forever prevent the
> mud from initiating SMTP mail connections?  The highest priority request
> I have from my user community is to enforce a mail-based registration
> system for new users.  This is trivial to do with the net package, but
> from your description, it sounds like I'll never be able to do it native
> *sigh*.

Initiating SMTP connections sounds like a great example of exactly the
scenario Dworkin wants to prevent from being possible with vanilla DGD.
While I myself certainly have spent more than a little time trying to
argue Dworkin into net-enabling DGD, I do fully respect his concern in
this case and I'm not sure he deserves such a heavy sigh, nor one backed
up with the rather trivial argument that the net package is -useful-
which has surely never been in doubt.

I believe the proper thing to concentrate on here is the continued
upkeep of this package. DGD is -meant- to be extended with packages.
They're not hacks. Nino, are you going to keep maintaining it? If not,
is anyone else up for it?


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