[DGD] Re: Out of curiosity...

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Wed May 27 18:49:16 CEST 1998

Stephen Schmidt <schmidsj at union.edu> wrote:

> This brings up a more general question; would someone be kind
> enough to tell me exactly what the declarations "static", "private",
> and "nomask" do when applied to a function, and what they do when
> applied to a variable if that is different? I suspect that everyone
> on this list except me knows the answer :) and if so, a reply by
> email would be fine. Or, if this is in the DGD documentation somewhere
> that I haven't seen it, a pointer to the appropriate file would be
> fine too.


    static	not saved by save_object(), not affected by
    private	not visible from inheriting objects (as opposed to
		MudOS, where it is just an error to access it from an
		inheriting object); implies static
    nomask	all variables are automatically nomask, and this keyword
		cannot be used with variables


    static	can only be called from the same object.
		In the auto object, behaves like a kernel function:
		cannot be called with this_object()->func() and calls
		to it are not redirected if the function is masked.
    private	same as for variables
    nomask	cannot be masked by an inheriting object; contradicts
    atomic	(not yet implemented) an uncaught error in an atomic
		function will cause all changes made from that function
		to be undone


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