[DGD]Global/Local Variables

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Thu Jul 22 16:05:28 CEST 1999

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Neil McBride wrote:

> Now, my problem is that this variable with the same name is behaving as a global
> variable under certain situations.  Ie, I enter function 1 and the variable x is a
> mapping with two keys.  I run function 2, passing the x as the argument and modify
> the data in function 2. Function 2 then finishes and function 1 continues on.
> However, the value's within the mapping have now changed according to anything that
> was done to function 2's x variable.
> Now, as I understand how it's supposed to work, this should _not_ happen unless I'm
> passing pointers around, which I'm clearly not (can you even do that under DGD??)
> Is this the expected behaviour or is there something amiss here?

Not so.  Both mappings and arrays are shared when passed as function
arguments.  If you want to pass a copy, and the mapping is just one
level deep, the following will work:

    foo( map[..] );


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