
Par Winzell zell at skotos.net
Sun Mar 12 23:49:59 CET 2000

** This 'shadows' variable is local to the object in which
** you call the 'shadow' function. You seem to assume it's
** shared among the inheritors; that it exists in only one
** instance. That's not so. This way the information will
** be spread out throughout the object space, when it ought
** to be collected in the shadowed objects.
** This is utterly untested, but I'd do something like:

private object *shadows;

void create() {
  /* stuff */
  shadows = ({ });
  /* stuff */

void shadow(object ob, object trg) {
  ::call_other(trg, "_F_shadow", ob);

void _F_shadow(object ob) {
  if (previous_program() == AUTO) {
    shadows |= ({ ob });

** Incidentally, it is a very bad idea to grant all call_other()s
** automatic rlimits(-1; -1) status as you do in your code -- the
** use of rlimits at all is pointless; you modify no state in the
** redefined function.

mixed call_other(mixed obj, string func, mixed args...) {
  object shadow;

  if (shadow = ::call_other(obj, "_Q_shadow_by_function", func)) {
    return ::call_other(shadow, func, args...);
  return ::call_other(obj, func, args...);

object _Q_shadow_by_function(string func) {
  if (previous_program() == AUTO) {
    int dirty, i;

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(shadows); i ++) {
      if (!shadows[i]) {
	dirty = TRUE;
      } else if (function_object(func, shadows[i])) {
	return shadows[i];
    if (dirty) {
      shadows -= ({ nil });
  return nil;

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