[DGD]Ojbect ID

Kevin N. Carpenter kevinc at monrou.com
Thu Mar 23 00:13:39 CET 2000

Hi all -

Starting development of my object manager and am looking for a way to track
all inheritable and clones of objects.  The way I see it I have two choices
- linked list or some form of two dimensional mapping. 

Back last June, Zell commented on using IDs to track objects using a two
dimensional model.  I presume he was referring to using a
::status(obj)[O_INDEX] to retrieve the ID of the master object.  If I
understand the "master object" concept correctly, that would give me the
unique id of the master object something was cloned from.  Neat way to get
back to that object instead of manually striping the #xx off the cloned
objects name.  Unfortunately, I'm looking for a way to track clones when a
master object is upgraded.  The only way that was occurred to me is to build
a (doublely) linked list.  That's not a big deal, but if there is a cleaner
way that isn't limited by the config file array_size parameter, I'd like to
hear about it.

Hmmm, one VERY crude method would be to search for all possible clones,
looping from #1 to ST_NOBJECTS doing find_object() to see if it exist.
Linked list would be a lot cleaner <grin>.  If I anchored the link list in
the master clone or master inheritable, that would make them need to be
recompiled rather than simply destructed, but I don't see that as a big deal
- is it?


Kevin C.
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