[DGD]Fun with errors.

Par Winzell zell at skotos.net
Mon May 8 07:54:23 CEST 2000

 > Well, I figured out how to get around that random.c thingy. I just
 > commented out the third line and it seemed to work. It compiles fine,
 > and even starts up fine, but when I connect to the telnet it spits
 > this out and dumps me.
 > Fatal error: driver->binary_connect() did not return an object

The problem here is that while as you have probably noticed, people on
this mailing list are essentially friendly and helpful, you are verging
from basic installation errors into the realm of errors that are, well,
basically yours to deal with.  Basic intelligence and analysis of the
error message you have there will tell you that the driver suffered a
fatal error because there was a function called, binary_connect(), that
was expected to return an object but did not.

The obvious next step is not to mail this list, but to try to find the
definition of this function. This will be in LPC, and you will not be
able to do what you want to do unless you master LPC. This error is a
good place to start. Read all the documentation. Read the source files
that define not DGD, but the next level, the mudlib -- the LPC files.

The basic advice here is that you are starting to use a program that is
not a helpful application, nor a game -- but a programming environment,
and at the very least the above query should include some suggestion of
your efforts to figure out what the error was on your own, perhaps the
insertion of debug messages to further narrow your query to something
that is relevant to this list, which is a general DGD/LPC one.


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