[DGD]Switch colors On and Off

Gregory D Lewis glewis at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Fri Nov 24 23:19:26 CET 2000

Posted in the hope it might be useful to someone :).

LPColor 1.0r1
        Fantome @ IdeaExchange, TMI-2
        1 December 1994

0.0 Introduction
This is a proposed new standard for the handling of colors in general
throughout LPmuds.  The suggestion for color-codes comes directly from
Northern Lights AberMUD/Dirt 3 (aber.ludd.luth.se 6715).  Much of this
information is directly available as "help colorcodes" there.

This standard is intended to replace Pinkfish's long color names,
although it can be used in conjunction with Pinkfish's color names at a
performance cost.

1.0 Color Code Conversion
   1.1  Color codes should be processed into terminal-appropriate
        signals immediately prior to display to the player.  For all
        other purposes, the mud-internal color-codes should be used.  To
        minimize processing time, color code should support both the
        mud-internal and the player escape sequences.  Limiting color
        processing to display-time will accomplish several things.

        1.1.1  Direct ANSI or other terminal-specific ("unknown")
               characters can safely be stripped from all communications
               channels ("say", "shout", and actual channels including
               "Intermud") without affecting intended colors.

        1.1.2  Terminal independence is gained.  This way, when a new
               terminal type becomes commonplace, processing can be
               added that supports the terminal, at the option of the
               mudlib maintainers.

        1.1.3  Color processing should be faster because it is only
               processed when necessary.

   1.2  All terminal-specific or client-specific color codes should be
        stripped from communications channels.  No mudlib should reverse
        the process of this standard.

2.0 Compliance
   2.1  Minimum compliance with this standard is support for 'unknown'
        terminal types.

        2.1.1  'unknown' terminals should strip the color codes specified
               in this standard without any further processing.

   2.2  Recommended compliance is VT100, ANSI, and 'unknown' terminal

        2.2.1  'VT100' and 'ANSI' terminal types should be handled by
               converting the color codes into the appropriate
               ESC[(n;..)m codes as specified by VT100 and ANSI accepted
               standards.  This information is reproduced as appendix A.

   2.3  Recommended addition of 'client' terminal type for AMCP
        compliant servers to be set automatically on a proper login
        sequence from an AMCP compliant client.

        2.3.1  Recommended extension of AMCP 2.1 to support LPColor
               extensions as well as older AMCP color codes based on
               Pinkfish's standard.

        2.3.2  'client' terminal type should not interpret the color
               codes in any manner.  'client' terminals receive the
               raw color codes.

        2.3.3  AMCP clients are required to convert the LPColor codes

   2.4  Recommended extension of AMCP 2.1 to support terminal inquiries
        (on ANSI and compatible it is usually similar to ESC[?) for
        automatic terminal detection at initialization screen to be
        overridden by player-set variables.

3.0 Color Encoding
% Activity in world spock
% Activity in world mist
   3.1  Color codes be mnemonic in nature and as short as meaningfully
        possible.  Color codes should be easily inserted into any
        description block and have guaranteed processing.

        3.1.1  If a color code were encountered in this file, the
               remainder of the text should be in a different color
               until the end of the document or a new color code or a
               color reset code is encountered.

        3.1.2  Color codes should not require #defines or special
               functions for insertion into any code.  It is recommended
               that #defines be made to support the mud-internal format.

   3.2  Color codes will be a maximum of five bytes in length.  The
        bytes will be (signal code)(scope ID)[(color ID)(color ID)].

        3.2.1  Signal codes are 0x40 (@) or 0xFF.  0xFF will be used for
               mud-internal communications as it is a non-typable, non-
               printable character.

        3.2.2  Scope identifiers will be from the set of printable
               symbols (non-alphanumeric), limited at this time to the
               set consisting of [-+=*#!@].  Other symbols are reserved
               for future definition.  Symbols may not be overloaded.

       '-' sets the background color (1 argument).
       '+' sets the foreground color (1 argument).
       '=' sets both foreground and background colors
                        (2 arguments)
       '*' resets colors to standard (0 arguments).
       '#' sets both foreground and background colors to
                        one of ten mud-based configurations (1 argument).
       '!' indicates a non-standard extension (3
       '@' produces 0x40 (@).

        3.2.3  Optional color identifiers will be one byte in length and
               consist of alphanumeric [a-zA-z0-9] characters.  Not all
               scope identifiers will support the full set of color

4.0  Scope Implementation
   4.1  Scopes '-', '+', and '=' use the set [a-zA-Z] to identify up to
        52 different colors.  Except as noted below, lower-case letters
        are used to identify "dark" colors and upper-case letters are
        used to identify "bright" or "bold" colors.  Section 5.0 defines
        the specific color implementations.

        4.1.1  Scope '-' takes exactly one (1) color identifier.  For
               ANSI implementations, "bright" colors are to be
               interpreted as "dark" colors.

        4.1.2  Scope '+' takes exactly one (1) color identifier.  For
               ANSI implementations, "bright" colors are to be
               interpreted as "bold" plus the "dark" color.

        4.1.3  Scope '=' takes exactly two (2) color identifiers in the
               order (foreground)(background).  For ANSI implementations,
               refer to 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 for limitations.

   4.2  Scope '*' takes exactly zero arguments.

        4.2.1  Minimum implementation to support colors is restoring
               colors to system- normal.  For ANSI implementations, this
               is ESC[0m (as detailed in appendix A).

        4.2.2  Recommended implementation is to query a player
               environment variable 'BASECOLOR' and restore the colors
               to the colors indicated in that variable, or issue a
               color reset if that variable is not found.

   4.3  Scope '#' takes exactly one argument from the set [0-9].  The
        number indicates a player-specific or mud-specific standard

        4.3.1  Minimum implementation is ignoring scope '#'.

 implementation is to query player environment
               variables 'COLOR[0-9]' (or other, named variables, such
               as 'SHOUT_COLOR', etc.) for the player's preference in
               viewing that class of output.  If variables are not
               present within the player, revert to 'GLOBAL_COLOR[0-9]'
               or named variable.

       Recommended scope '#' to Message Class setup:
                          '#'   Message Class
                          ---   -------------
                           0    Say
                           1    Tell
                           2    Shout
                           7    More
                           8    Error Message
                           9    Global Message

        Identifiers 3-6 are left undefined for
                         MUD-specific implementation.  Identifiers 8-9
                         are recommended to be restrict from common
                         use in channels.

   4.4  Scope '!' signals a non-standard extension.  All extensions must
        have exactly three bytes from the printable, non-white space set
        of characters following the '!' scope.

        4.4.1  It is recommended, but not required that the first
               character in the extension be a scope identifier similar
               to the scope characters defined here.

        4.4.2  Extensions are strongly discouraged.  This standard can
               be amended without difficulty.

        4.4.3  Standard compliance with scope '!' is to ignore the three
               bytes following.

   4.5  Scope '@' produces the escape character in a printable

   4.6  Unknown scope is when a scope identifier is encountered that is
        not defined in this standard.  When unknown scope is encountered,
        if the escape character is 0x40 (@), both it and the scope character
        will be displayed.  If the escape character is 0xFF, only the scope
        character will be displayed.

        4.6.1  For example, '@*' resets the colors.  '@1', however,
               prints '@1'.

5.0  Predefined Colors
   5.1  There are eight predefined colors in ANSI/VT100, plus 'bold',
        'underline', 'blink', and 'reverse'.  (There is also a blank
        defined in VT100 that is not supported in ANSI.)  These twenty
        predefined combinations provide the initially defined colors

        5.1.1  Colors are initially represented with the following
               codes.  The 'bright' or 'bold' forms of the colors are
               capitalized forms of the darker color.  Darker colors may
               be applied to both background and foreground.

                Code    Represents      Bright
Aurora at Astaria gwizzes: No but give me 5 minute and I can ;)
                ----    ----------      ------
                  k     blacK           K
                  b     Blue            B
                  c     Cyan            C
                  g     Green           G
                  m     Magenta         M
                  r     Red             R
                  y     Yellow          Y
                  w     White           W

               Bright black is dark grey.  Dull white is light grey.

        5.1.2  Bold is represented by 'D' (bolD) and may be used only
               in the foreground.

        5.1.3  Underline is represented by 'U' (Underline) and may be
               used only in the foreground.

        5.1.4  Blink is represented by 'N' (bliNk) and may be used only
               in the foreground.

        5.1.5  Reverse is represented by 'V' (reVerse) and may be used
               either in foreground or background, but not scope '='.
               The equivalent in scope '=' is usually kw (black on

6.0  Suggested Implementation
   6.1  Continuous text and non-continuous text should be handled

        6.1.1  Short message classes (say, shout, wiz/cre, etc.) should
               be considered non-continuous text.  Generally line- or

       Each line of non-continuous text should start
                        and terminate with a color reset (LPESC*) at the
                        end of each line (\n).

        6.1.2  Room descriptions, files viewed through 'more', etc.,
               should be considered continuous text.  Generally
               sentence-, paragraph-, or file-based.

       All continuous text should start and terminate
                        with a color reset (LPESC*).

        6.1.3  All message classes may be treated as short message
               classes at the option of the mudlib designers.

   6.2  Prompts (including input_to and ed) should begin and end with
        LPESC* to ensure no maleffect on player entry from stray color

Appendix A: ANSI/VT Escape Sequences
   A.1  ANSI escape sequences are a subset of DEC VT100 escape
        sequences.  The following escape sequences should be
        considered valid on all ANSI and VT-series compatible

        A.1.1  In the following list, the abbreviation AESC represents
               ASCII escape character ESC, 0x1B (decimal 27) followed by
               the ASCII printable character 0x5B (decimal 91, '[').
               LPESC, when used, is ASCII nonprintable 0xFF or ASCII
               printable 0x40 (@).  In BNF, this is:

                ESC ::= <0x1B>
                AESC ::= ESC[
                LPESC ::= <0xFF>

        A.1.2  In all cases, the presence of braces ('{' and '}')
               indicates that it is a variable to the ANSI escape
               sequence.  Case is significant in specifying a terminator
               (such as 'm' or 'H').

   A.2  Cursor Motion Commands
        A.2.1  AESC{r};{c}H

               A.2.1.1  Move the cursor to the specified position
                        ({r},{c}) in row major order.  The cursor
                        position is optional and assumed to be (0,0), or
                        the upper left corner of the screen.  Both of
                        these ANSI commands works the same way.  This
                        command is unsupported by the LPColor standard
                        definition.  Recommended implementation is none.
                        Possible implementation is:


                        where if LPESC!x is found, LPESC!y must follow
                        and values xa, xb, ya, yb are decimal.

        A.2.2  AESC{n}A

               A.2.2.1  These ANSI commands move the cursor up (A), down
                        (B), forward (C), or backward (D).  If the
                        cursor is already at the top (A), bottom (B),
                        end- of-line (C) or top-of-line (D), the command
                        will be ignored.  If a number is not provided,
                        the value defaults to one (1).  These commands
                        are unsupported by the LPColor standard
                        definition.  Recommended implementation is
                        'LPESC!{n}{d}' where {n} converts directly to
                        {n} in these commands and {d} is in the set of
                        [UDLR] corresponding to the set [ABDC].

        A.2.3  AESCs

               A.2.3.1  These ANSI commands save and restore the current
                        cursor position.  AESCs saves the position,
                        while AESCu restores the position.  AESCs
                        overwrite each other and are not nested.  These
                        commands are unsupported by the LPColor standard
                        definition.  Recommended implementations are
                        'LPESC!SAV' and 'LPESC!RES'.

        A.2.4  AESC2J

               A.2.4.1  This ANSI command clears the screen and moves
                        the cursor to the home position (0,0).  This
                        command is unsupported by the LPColor standard
                        definition.  Recommended implementation is

        A.2.5  AESCK

               A.2.5.1  This ANSI command clears all characters from the
                        cursor position to the end of the line,
                        including the character under the cursor
                        position.  This command is unsupported by the
                        LPColor standard definition.  Recommended
                        implementation is 'LPESC!DEL'.

   A.3  Character Color and Appearance Command

        A.3.1  This command will change the colors and attributes of
               text displayed on the screen.  There are two groups of
               values: Text Attributes and Colors.

        A.3.2  Text Attributes

                        {s}   Meaning
                        ---   -------
               A.3.2.1   0    All Attributes Off
               A.3.2.2   1    Bold (Bright) On
               A.3.2.3   4    Underscore on (monochrome only, appears
                              as dark blue on color monitors).
               A.3.2.4   5    Blink On
               A.3.2.5   7    Reverse Video On
               A.3.2.6   8    Concealed On

        A.3.3  Colors

                        Color    FG    BG
                        -----    --    --
               A.3.3.1  Black    30    40
               A.3.3.2  Red      31    41
               A.3.3.3  Green    32    42
               A.3.3.4  Yellow   33    43
               A.3.3.5  Blue     34    44
               A.3.3.6  Magenta  35    45
               A.3.3.7  Cyan     36    46
               A.3.3.8  White    37    47

               A.3.3.9  Colors 30-37 and 40-47 meet the ISO 6249

        A.3.4  No additional implementation is needed to support
               Colors or Text Attributes.

   A.4  Conversion Specifications for LPColor to ANSI/VT Escape

        A.4.1  Conversion should be as efficient as possible.
               Terminals have to do less work to change the color with
               one long ANSI color string, but the server has to do
               more work to convert several LPColor sequences into one
               ANSI string.  Clients should convert several LPColor
               sequences into one ANSI string.  Servers should convert
               on a one-to-one basis.

        A.4.2  Bright colors (capitalized color codes) should be
               processed as 'AESC1;{fg}m'.

        A.4.3  Scope '=' should be processed as 'AESC{fg};{bg}m'.  If
               {fg} is Bright, scope '=' should be processed as

        A.4.4  Scope '*' (color reset, LPESC*) should begin with
               AESC0m to turn off all undesired attributes before
               setting new attributes.

        A.4.5  Attribute 'Concealed' should be avoided.

        A.4.6  Standard channel colors (LPESC#{n}) should begin with
               AESC0m to avoid bad color and attribute mixes.
Greg Lewis                              Applied Maths Department
Email : glewis at maths.adelaide.edu.au    University of Adelaide

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