
Mikael Lind z94lind at mtek.chalmers.se
Mon Apr 23 10:52:55 CEST 2001

Quoting Lord Lerkista from 21:37, 2001-04-21:

> Hi, there's a way to log the text from the console to a file without 
> change driver.sys??
> i'm using unix now!! =)

I am not sure what driver.sys is. Try:

  dgd mud.dgd | tee mud.log

Quick manual: The tee command copies its input to stdout (usually
your text terminal window) as well as the named file (mud.log in the
example above).

If you want the log to be visible from within the mud, try:

  dgd mud.dgd | tee mud/mud.log

Both of the examples above assume that your working directory is the
root directory of the DGD distribution.

// Mikael / Elemel

Give up yourself unto the moment / The time is now / Give up yourself
unto the moment / Let's make this moment last // Moloko

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