[DGD] More info on expand()

Shevek shevek at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 18 19:03:09 CET 2001

>I'm not sure if Shevek solved his expand() problems, but I am having one of
>my own. Inside expand() the variable 'dir' is initially set by get_dir().
>The kfun docs on get_dir() say that it returns an array in the following

Nope, didn't completely figure out what expand returns for a file not 
existing/having access denied. I did figure out that all[4] contains the 
number of filenames being returned. For my 'more' function (And presumably 
any other function that takes only one file) I wasn't to concerned to just 
do the checking in the function (Which you will notice contains the cmd_cd 
code from the kernel wiztool).

If you do figure out the return values could you send me an email, I can't 
seem to figure out that particular bit of code.


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