
Erwin Harte harte at xs4all.nl
Wed Feb 14 20:01:00 CET 2001

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 01:59:07PM -0500, Michel Racicot wrote:
> But when i do that i get :
>   /usr/System/initd.c, 18: undefined function set_telnet_manager
> So, i suppose i must put some files in include ... but which ones ??? Can
> someone show me a simple example ?

Ah, slight misunderstanding here.

  ---- Quote from dgd/mud/doc/kernel/overview ----
  9. Extending the kernel library

  The kernel library was written in such a way that it can easily be extended
  without modifying any kernel objects.  The user manager and driver object
  contain hooks that allow routing of some calls to different objects.

  When you begin building, start with making a new user object.  This object
  should reside in /usr/System/obj.  The user object must inherit
> /kernel/lib/user.  Next, create a telnet connection manager which can be
> installed using "/kernel/sys/userd"->set_telnet_manager(obj).  Finally,
  create /usr/System/initd.c which handles system-specific initialization
  (for instance, the telnet connection manager must be installed from its
  create() function).

You must call the function in another object, it's not a kfun nor is
it defined in the auto-object.  The only restriction is that the call
should be coming from an objct in ~System/.

Hope this helps. :)

Erwin Harte         :    `Don't mind Erwin, he gets crabby. :)'
harte at xs4all.nl     :       -- Par Winzell <zell at skotos.net>

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