
mtaylor mtaylor at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 18 00:28:48 CEST 2001

Is there any way I could get a copy of the DGD binary (at least I think
that's what you call it) with the ansi patch installed already? Or does any
kind soul out there have a copy of DGD with the patch installed that they
would be willing to send me?

I am using a Mac - OS 9.0

I currently don't have a C compiler so I think that means I can't apply the
patch myself right?

Sorry to be a bother...

> I have.  overlord.dungeon.ws 2000
> I have a routine in there which ties into the send_message function and
> replaces certain character combinations with the relevant ansi control
> codes.  Makes it much easier to put colour in there, and can even be used
> by players when speaking etc.
> The inspiration for the codes I used came from many years using PG+
> talkers.
> I can give you a copy if the code if you like...
> Flibs

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