[DGD]Light-weight objects...

Par Winzell zell at skotos.net
Fri Jun 22 19:13:01 CEST 2001

 > - You can't use call_out()s
 > - If you destruct the base off of which the LWOs are new_object()'d,
 >   all of them disappear.
 > - You don't have explicit control over when a LWO stops to exist, it's
 >   picked up by garbage-collection.
 > I think there may be more, but those are the ones I remember. :-)

The biggest one, in my book --

 - If you export a reference to a LWO to another object, which keeps
   the reference after the completion of the current thread, the LWO
   will be -duplicated- precisely as arrays are.

Since we've gotten used to being able to store object references in
all kinds of ways -- e.g. use them to index mappings -- this is a big
change. If you get it wrong, you'll have duplicate LWO's all over the
place that don't end up garbage collected.


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