[DGD]Using DGD_STRING_NEW correctly...

Michael J. Bacon mj.bacon at gte.net
Fri Jun 22 23:04:37 CEST 2001

> But that is not at all what you said in the previous posting.  In fact,
> you used two different variables for the two different DGD_STRING_NEW
> uses.

	Yes I did state in my original message that if DGD_STRING_NEW is used in a
loop (while, for, do, whatever) strings leak.  Those two variables could be
reused an arbitrary number of times in a loop (which is what I was trying to
explain, but forgot the "{" and got you off on a syntax tear).  If they are
reused in a loop, strings are leaked.

	Once again, if DGD_STRING_NEW is used in a loop on the same DGD_STRING_T
variables, strings are leaked.


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