[DGD] Users

Erwin Harte harte at xs4all.nl
Mon Nov 12 18:28:09 CET 2001

On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 06:18:13PM +0100, Troels Therkelsen wrote:
> Someone more into the black magic of the internals of the DGD driver will
> have to answer what the max value you can safely set users to is.

DGD will let you go up to whatever EINDEX_MAX is:

  ---- Quote from dgd/src/config.c ----
                                { "users",              INT_CONST, FALSE,
                                                        1, EINDEX_MAX },

In config.h you'll see that EINDEX_MAX is UCHAR_MAX, which I would
assume to be 255?

Of course if you change the typedef for eindex to something bigger and
change the EINDEX_MAX and EINDEX defines then you can go further, as
long as your operating system or user-limits don't stop you sooner.


Erwin Harte <harte at xs4all.nl>
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