[DGD] Invalid ranges...

Troels Therkelsen troels at 2-10.org
Sun Oct 21 20:42:07 CEST 2001

I'm probably missing something obvious, but I'm getting some
inconsistencies in the .. operator that I don't understand.

int *a = ({ 1, 2, 3 });
string b = "123";

Using DGD 1.2.32.

Then the following holds true:

case 1)
  a[3..] == ({ })
  b[3..] == ""


case 2)
  a[4..] == error
  b[4..] == error

In my way of seeing things, either both cases or neither should fail.
Preferably neither :-)

Bug or feature or am I just being daft?


/Troels Therkelsen

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