[DGD] Second auto and kfuns

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Wed Feb 13 15:54:45 CET 2002

Noah Lee Gibbs <angelbob at monkeyspeak.com> wrote:

> I know you can, with the Kernel MUDLib, define a "second AUTO" by saying
> "inherit AUTO" in the /include/std.h file.  I originally saw it as
> "#include AUTO", but I'm assuming that inheritance will do a similar
> trick.

You use #include "AUTO" in /include/std.h, this include can be redirected
to a file that is not /include/AUTO but, say, /usr/System/include/auto.h,
which contains the line:

    inherit "/usr/System/lib/auto";

You still have to make an empty /include/AUTO file, or else you cannot
recompile objects in /usr/System + the kernel library itself.

> Either way, I'm curious whether you're allowed to have a second AUTO that
> modifies or overrides functions from the first AUTO.

Yes, as long as you base it on location of the object being compiled.
For example, you can have /usr/System inherit the first-level auto object
/kernel/lib/auto, /usr/Mudlib a second level auto object, and
everything else a third level auto object.  You can add as many of these
as you like.

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