[DGD] Override Kernel

JRC dgd at janus.tundra.org
Thu Feb 14 14:54:52 CET 2002

I'm just getting started in this whacky world
of DGD, LPC, etc. so please forgive this simple

I've gotten the BBlib installed into a DGD 1.2.37
build. I'm starting to put together a layout for
my mudlib files and discovered that I don't like
the fact that the kernel lib puts wizard directories
under /usr. Given that, I wanted to override the 
cmd_grant function in /kernel/lib/wiztool.c. However,
short of copying this entire file in /usr/System and
modifying it there, I cannot see a way to "override"
(in the OOP sense) cmd_grant.

What are the best ways to do such overrides? Is it best
to just copy over the kernel lib's stuff and use only
my own? This seems like it would be problematic should
the kernel lib ever need updating.

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