[DGD] Override Kernel

Shevek shevek at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 14 20:59:32 CET 2002

Just further to what Erwin has already said.

Once you've changed the line in /include/config.h then for BBlib you'll 
need to alter the paths defined in ~/System/include/bb_config.h and the 
paths in ~/System/initd.c (Which for some bizarre reason I just put in 
instead of using defines from bb_config.h. You'll probably want to correct 
that in case you go changing the user directory again).

Anyway, glad someone got some use out of BB :>


NB: If anyone else is using BBlib and it's not v0.1c then make sure you 
have both the backdoor admin (Ie the binary port one) AND the telnet port 
admin (Which uses the BBlib user.c and keeps its password in the same place 
as all the other users).
It's a potentially enormous security hole which I patched up in v0.1c by 
denying 'admin' access in the BBlib user.c, ie on the telnet port (Binary 
port always uses the kernel lib's user.c and the pass in kernel/data/).
Apologies to anyone that caught out, just wasn't on the ball that day.

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