[DGD] sprintf

Michael McKiel crashnbrn71 at yahoo.ca
Thu Apr 1 22:35:56 CEST 2004

 --- Robert Forshaw <iouswuoibev at hotmail.com> wrote: > Hi,
> has anyone here written an sprintf or similar function for DGD (since it 
> doesn't have one built in) ? If so, would they care to share it?

I believe theres one here:

As well phantasmal's DGD/external has the same sprintf.tar.gz file.

If I recall all I removed from it to make it work was the:
    inherit "/kernel/lib/strings";

But we soon after removed sprintf since I found almost all I was using it for
could be accomplished with the following code, and didn't see a point in
inheriting 600 lines of sprintf into every single object for almost nothing.

The define is 80 spaces in quotes.

#define SPACE80 "                                                            

/* Name: align()
 * Desc: similiar to Dworkin's ralign() in the wiztool.
 *       A negative width causes left justify up to -79.    */
nomask string align (mixed num, int width)
    string str;

    if ( width > 80 || width < -79 ) return "ILLEGAL Width";

    if ( width >= 0 )
        str = SPACE80 + (string) num;
        return str[strlen(str) - width ..];
        str = (string) num + SPACE80;
        return str[0 .. ( 0 - width -1) ];


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