[DGD] RE:time() and suspending call_outs

Michael McKiel crashnbrn71 at yahoo.ca
Sun Apr 25 09:03:11 CEST 2004

 --- Steven Brooker <immortius at yahoo.com> wrote: 
> What's wrong with saving them to file somewhere?  My
> objectd copies the code into ./current after compiles.
>    You just need to make sure people can't compile the
> contents of these backup folders.
I believe Erwin was referring to what Dworkin does in his mudlib, he keeps
the source code for compiled objects, and can access/dump the source to a
file, and compare differences between various versions of compiled objects. 
Sounds like yer talking about a non-automated process, and done by hand.
Which if you want to keep source like that then likely not much issue, aside
from the fact that you have to recompile all objects using that source,
instead of having some that are based off of different source.

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