[DGD] Hello AngelBob

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 5 23:38:32 CET 2004

--- richard <richard at maxhrk.homelinux.net> wrote:
> Hi Angelbob, I wonder what will you add
> something to your book?

  I'm planning to add separate chapters on Vars &
Types, Arrays, Mappings, Functions, Control Flow
(if/do/while/for/etc), Objects, rlimits(), atomic
functions, and parse_string().  Probably others. 
However, all of that will take a lot of time, so it's
not going to appear in the next week.

  I'll probably also make a better kfun reference
(with examples for most of them), and a guide to
getting started writing a MUDLib (making your own
Driver and Auto objects).  Plus I'll be reworking all
my old material on writing a new MUDLib on top of the
Kernel and including it.

  I don't have a proper outline and full table of
contents yet.  But the sections above will each get
their own chapters.

  In any case, this could take a long time to write. 
So don't expect it immediately.

> I have been
> reading your dgd tutorial book that seem not
> that bad.

  Thanks.  I'm now firmly of the opinion that there's
no better source of DGD information out there.  I'm
nearly convinced that there's no better single source
of LPC information out there.  But DGD has some
definite differences from other LPC dialects, and I
should probably point those out somewhere.  Until
then, my site won't be very usable for other LPC

  It will probably *never* be usable for them in terms
of explaining (bizarre) LPMUD security stuff or
shadows, or other things that DGD simply doesn't have.
 For starters I don't have the experience to write
about those things properly.

noah_gibbs at yahoo.com

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