[DGD] Re: My idea for the DGD driver - validate

Robert Forshaw iouswuoibev at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 12 23:13:12 CET 2004

>From: "Steve Foley" <zeppo1 at mindspring.com>
>Couldn't you override call_other in the AUTO to call this security function
>of yours and get the same result?  Granted, you'd need to write that
>validate function in each object, and you'd be imposing a small cost on all
>call_others (the large majority of which likely won't be giving rise to
>security concerns), but this would meet your requirements, wouldn't it?

I hadn't thought of this so thanks for pointing it out. I'll give it a try 
and see how it works out. Incidently, by using function_name() in the 
override function I could detect whether the validate function is there or 
not, and it wouldn't be necessary to declare the validate function in each 
object. I still think my idea would be more convenient, but its probably too 
much work to implent to justify the benefits... One thing though, will 
overriding call_other also apply to the -> operator?

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