[DGD] Re: lf in #define

Erwin Harte harte at is-here.com
Thu Jan 8 18:19:26 CET 2004

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 05:11:43PM +0000, Robert Forshaw wrote:
> I've solved the problem now. It was the linebreaking that was the problem 
> (crlf instead of lf). Since the rest of DGD tolerates crlf, how about the 
> preprocessor allowing it as well? It doesn't make sense to only 
> half-support ms-dos linebreaks. If ms-dos linebreaks are a bad thing, they 
> should be illegal everywhere, if they're acceptable, they should be legal 
> everywhere. What do you think?

They aren't supported anywhere, but merely ignored and only in
preprocessor statements do they cause problems.  Newlines in DGD's LPC
code are \n, not \r\n, not \n\r, and not \r.

That's not too difficult to manage, is it?

Erwin Harte <harte at is-here.com>
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