[DGD] another casting idea

Par Winzell zell at skotos.net
Fri Jul 16 10:07:18 CEST 2004

Robert Forshaw wrote:

> (int)"0xFFFFF"
> (converts "hex string" to integer).

This would be handy, but I think the casting is not really supposed to 
be handy, i.e. it's not supposed to be a replacement for an atoi() kind 
of function. Specifically, I suspect Felix would like to keep casting as 
close to a fully one-to-one (bijective) mapping as possible (excepting 
whitespace considerations).

The proposed extension would violate the surjective portion of bijective 
because while each integer N is mapped by casting to a single string N 
("N"), there'd be two strings ("N") and ("0xNhex") that map back to N.

This is admittedly a fairly abstract consideration, and in no way to do 
I speak for Felix... but I'm guessing. :)


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