[DGD] 1.2.102

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Thu Apr 7 02:02:01 CEST 2005

>  - Forbid having undefined private functions.
>  - Add a list of undefined functions to status(obj).

To clarify: you can have a prototype for a private function, but if so
it must be declared for the same program.  So just

    private void foo();

is wrong, but

    private void foo();

    private void foo()
	/* do the foo thing */

is no problem.

The list of undefined functions is added so that a mudlib can forbid
active use of such objects, and can generate reasonable errormessages.
>From a Java point of view, an object with only prototypes would be an

The "list" is actually a mapping.  When object obj has no undefined
functions, status(obj)[O_UNDEFINED] is nil.  Otherwise, it is a
mapping of the following format:

    ([ program_name : ({ func1, func2, ... )}, ... ])


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