[DGD] Sneaky bypass of klib.

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Wed Jul 12 01:31:01 CEST 2006

Shentino <shentino at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was able to bypass part of the Klib's login process by "hijacking"
> the connection object as soon as the Klib called
> connman->query_timeout.
> What I did was have my binaryd inherit LIB_USER and then do a
> connection(); redirect() to the real user object.
> The reason I did this was to bypass the klib's habit of checking its
> own USERD and not calling select on the connman when I want it to.
> This sounds like a bit of voodoo and I just wanted to check to see if
> there's anything wrong with this.

That's all right.  The kernel library's login framework is deliberately
very loose and easy to work around.  Anything you can do with it is
"allowed".  I've used the connection-manager-inherits-user trick myself. :)


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