[DGD] Commercial question

Christopher Allen ChristopherA at skotos.net
Tue Mar 28 02:58:01 CEST 2006

Shentino wrote:
> Is this allowed without a commercial license:
> 1.  Setting up a public mud.
> 2.  Accepting donations to keep it running.
> These donations would not be in any way mandatory and would confer no
> benefit apart from keeping the mud running. 
> I'm thinking that if you aren't charging access fees and whatnot,
> it's allowed.  However, I just wanted to ask just to make sure. 

I think technically Dworkin's DGD license doesn't allow this, but you'll
have to get an official answer from him.

It is a fine line that makes this difficult -- there has been some
experience with other games where someone said that it was donation only,
but later we discover that it was more then that.

Skotos can also offer a commercial license to the single-user DGD, and we
are considering some type of low-end license intended for muds. The idea
would be that we'd charge a small upfront fee, and would get a decent
royalty percentage if revenues exceed X per year, where X is what we guess
hosting costs are. But we would get a report on revenues and audit privs so
that we can double-check to make sure.

-- Christopher Allen

.. Christopher Allen                                 Skotos Tech Inc. ..
.. <ChristopherA at skotos dot net>         2342 Shattuck Ave Ste 512 ..
.. www.skotos.net  www.rpg.net                Berkeley, CA 94704-1517 ..
.. office 510/649-4030         fax 510/849-1717     main 510-647-2760 ..

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