[DGD] Commercial question

Kurt Nordstrom kurt at blar.net
Wed Mar 29 16:42:01 CEST 2006

So, how would somebody legally go about setting up a community effort 
with DGD?  Does the license essentially make it impossible to do 
something like this?

I can think of a lot of endeavors that are utterly non-commercial in 
scope that could exceed the limits of one person's pocket.

Felix A. Croes wrote:

> This is a borderline case, but one that does not depend on a
> different interpretation of the word "income".  Generally
> speaking, if you perform a service for some person and receive
> a donation in return, you may have a hard time arguing before
> a court that the donation was not actually in payment for the
> service.
> If you only want to call it income when made through the mud,
> I (and my dictionary) won't agree, but that won't alter whether
> or not your example is legal; the key phrase is "made through
> the mud".
> Regards,
> Dworkin
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