[DGD] reassigning objects of an ex admin

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 03:25:35 CEST 2007

Just reading phantasmal's docs and thought of something...

...If one of my admin's accounts goes away, what do I do with his objects?

If they're already linked into the mudlib, I can't very well just wipe
them, and IIRC the Klib forbids change of ownership.

What do I do?

About the only solution I could think of is making sure that
non-"Game" objects never get linked into the mud in the first
place...sorta like:

if (query_owner() != added_object->query_owner()
    error("Requested environment does not have the same owner as the
inserted object"

This would seem to preclude the combination of allowing admins to own
their objects whilst simultaneously allowing said objects to integrate
into the game world.

One would think that System would at least be able to reassign an object.

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