[DGD] New release of Kotaka

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Wed May 28 03:03:24 CEST 2008

Just made a few more advances

* ObjectD now scans for objects that exist but don't have registered
program info (i.e., was compiled before ObjectD) and automatically
generates an appropriate "ProgramD preload file" for the next run.

No muss, no fuss, and you don't need to worry about what
objects/programs in the Klib inherit each other.

* basic infrastructure for linked lists.  Now you can have a single
object be in more than one list at a time, and you can even have
domain (username) segregated lists.

Example:  Game can keep a private list called "secret", and
lists["Game"]["secret"] can be kept confidential.  Game can also
publish a public list called "public", and membership in either list
is completely independent.

Can be useful when different subsystems want their own lists.

Access control manager ala TLSD is next.

* You can now clone and new roots for structures ilke bigdeque and
bigvector.  These behave lots like the C++ STL versions, and can be
useful in keeping track of large amounts of data.  ObjectD and
ProgramD themselves use these structures to keep track of their data.

* TrashD, a background garbage collector, will accept any object you
can destruct for a deferred destruction.  Useful if you need to wipe
out many objects without jamming the driver.  TrashD is used to mop up
the structure objects mentioned earlier on massive deletions.



My guess on how to install: Install kotaka, then symlink to ulario's Game

As always, bug reports are welcome.

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