[DGD] Free goodies from kotaka

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 08:33:08 CET 2009

I've compiled a "goodie bag" of my ~System component of kotaka mudlib,
as well as my includes.


A comprehensive object manager (objectd) that delegates many
permission checks to the initd of the subsystem responsible for the
object in question
A comprehensive port manager (portd), that maps DGD ports to IP ports
A domain-secured tls manager (tlsd), that lets non-system code access
the TLS mechanism in a secure manner, and also to share its own data.

Features to highlight:
The object manager, by writing inheritance logs
(System/data/*.programd), is able to learn the inheritance structure
of itself, as well as of the kernel, and can avoid Phantasmal-style
recompilations to discover it on a subsequent reboot.

The goodie bag can be downloaded from

This can easily be used to bootstrap a custom mudlib upon the kotaka
kernel.  Or, peek at it.

All the files included are released into the public domain.

Kotaka as a collective work however remains licensed to the general
public under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License,
version 3.0 or later.

Posted in the hopes someone can study it and make good use of it in
some way.  I may be changing phantasmal to use some of these

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