[DGD] DGDMP 1.1.10

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Wed Jun 10 13:08:52 CEST 2009

Shentino <shentino at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not trying to irritate anyone, I just wanted to emphasize that my case
> wasn't a random pathological case.  I only simplified it for the purpose of
> illustration.  My case, as I now recall, was three layers of inheritance
> mesh.  One for the variables, one for the function defs, and a third for the
> function decs.  Except for the inheritance overflow error, it was about 18
> files of pure neat-freak heaven.

Do future readers of your code a favour, and put variables in the
same objects as the functions that use them.  Do yourself a favour
vis-à-vis those future users, and make the variables private.

But you're in luck.  I thought of a refinement with a tradeoff in
storage size, rather than execution speed.  And there is even a good
reason to include it in DGD.

Felix Croes

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