[DGD] Kotaka 0.9.2

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 04:55:48 CET 2012

I'm an idiot...

Seems that arr -= ({ blah }) isn't enough to break byref semantics
when you return the entire expression.

Anyway, fixed that bug that allowed tampering with an object's
inventory by mistake.

I also refactored the clone tracking logic:

1.  program and clone tracking now separate from object manager, which
still exists to enforce policy decisions as needed.
2.  clone tracker now uses native mappings instead of convoluted
reentry logic to avoid problems from having the clone manager tracking
objects that comprise the infrastructure of its own database.

Did some more work on text handling, and I also recycled the kernel
wiztool logic to provide standard wiztool commands.


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