[DGD] Circular Object Links

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Sat Apr 20 12:28:12 CEST 2013

Blain <blain20 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would think that it'd be wiztool, code, wiztool code, etc. if I took out
> the check for if(next == start).  Currently it's wiztool, code, code, code,
> code, to infinity, so that check never fires.  ;o)  _code appears to have
> itself as prev and next for some reason.  (I don't know why I was thinking
> it was an LWO.)


    object *links(string owner)
	object *list, first, obj;

	list = ({ });
	first = links[owner];
	if (first) {
	    obj = first;
	    do {
		list += ({ obj });
		obj = obj->_Q_next();
	    } while (obj != first);
	return list;

# code "/kernel/sys/objregd"->links("admin")
$0 = ({ </kernel/obj/wiztool#23>, </usr/admin/_code> })

Felix Croes

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