[DGD] Kotaka 0.20

Raymond Jennings shentino at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 04:52:57 CEST 2013

Ok, changes here are:

* Miscellaneous cleanups
* Verb unification

I got tired of having two different verb types, so I unified them and
simply had raw arguemtns in a "raw" role.  Preparation for hybridization
such as:

* Say verb now raw

Ok, so requiring quote marks is obviously a pain, and after some beta
tester complaints I demoted it back down to a raw verb.

I plan to make it a "double parse" verb that can allow evokes to be

* Subsystem management

Now a subsystem's "online" status is simply the existence of its initd
object.  I also outlawed a few systems from being shut down by anyone other
than the klib admin.

Also, I realized that live upgrades are going to be a pain, so I'm writing
up a plan to let live muds be upgraded in steps.

Git repository here:


Branch is master, tag is v0.20.

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