[DGD] sig11, snapshot restore and stack size

Raymond Jennings shentino at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 20:42:48 CET 2016

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:05 AM, <bart at wotf.org> wrote:

> I have a rather huge object in a snapshot file, and dgd was ending in a
> sig11
> on actually trying to use said object after a restore.
> Looking at what was happening made me end up in d_conv() where a buffer
> (buf)
> is allocated with ALLOCA.
> It tried to allocate approx 14mb, while the maximum stack size was 8mb.
> According to man alloca the resulting behavior is undefined.

After changing the stack size to 32mb, the object could be restored
> properly.
> However, this prevents the issue in this specific case, but the potential
> of
> overflowing the stack due to such an object is still there, and its not
> obvious until after you try an actual restore. You'll have to look with a
> debugger at how large your stack should be to avoid a particular case.
> I probably shouldn't be creating such a large object, but I also don't
> think
> just assuming it will fit the stack is such a good idea, actually, I'm not
> sure this buffer should be on the stack at all considering the rather
> unpredictable size it can have.

Anything that can be arbitrarily large should indeed most likely be
allocated on the heap rather than on the stack.

I think dworkin actually made a similiar change for allocating memory
during directory listing, which is much smaller than multi megabyte.

If you could narrow down the code in question or cook up a test case it
would probably qualify for provoking a bugfix.

Any thoughts?

My advice is to cook up a test case and send it to dworkin for
patching...and in the meantime, yes, objects that require restores of
multiple megabytes are almost certainly bad design and you should try to
break the object up into manageable chunks.

> Bart.
> --
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrobjective/
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