[DGD] change in tick accounting

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Tue Jun 26 21:27:02 CEST 2018

bart at wotf.org wrote:

> That will have some interesting effects for some of my code, which does a lot
> of splitting long running jobs into small chunks based on how many ticks are
> used, and processes those small chunks with a call_out 'chain'. The purpose of
> that is of course to ensure the system keeps responding to users while such a
> job is running. From what you write I'll have to do some tuning to make such
> jobs benefit from the JIT (as in, finish in less time while keeping the same
> level of responsiveness).
> Very interesting indeed. 
> Is there a way for LPC code to determine if it is JIT compiled?

For now, the plan is that there is no way to distinguish other than by
execution time.  Tick count will remain the same, it will just run faster.

The extension interface supports starting a separate process using the
lpc_ext_spawn(cmdline) call.  The JIT compiler will be run like that,
to give it a separate memory space and allowing it to crash without also
bringing DGD down.

Felix Croes

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