[DGD] Why use callouts in klib to increment resources?

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Sun Oct 21 14:11:14 CEST 2018

Raymond Jennings <shentino at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Felix, I was just wondering:
> Why were increments to decayed resources (including tick updates)
> handled in a callout and not immediately?

I've been posting about this recently.  Resource counters are shared
between tasks, and modifying them directly from the task would prevent
other tasks that access the same resource from running concurrently.

> I'm asking because I'm making heavy usage of call_limited and it's
> building up so many incr_ticks callouts in the rsrc objects that it's
> throwing errors about running out of callouts.

Increase the size of the callout table.

Felix Croes

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