[MUD-Dev] New Topic: Butthead features

Jeff Kesselman jeffk at tenetwork.com
Sun Aug 3 15:34:42 CEST 1997

>5) He notices that no matter what he kills, steals or annoys, he is unable 
>   to advance in any measurable way.  To his amazement, he eventually reads
>   something in the rules about role-playing points which are required to
>   to for development and must be given by another player of a higher
>   standing.

Thsi is an interesting concept.  We've paleyd with simialr ones. My
question pn this is thsi: Buttheads oragnize.  Very effectively actually.
Once they have one who been good enough to attain high standing, what keeps
thsi oen froom bootstrapping up a Butthead hriearchy?

>6) Being far too much trouble, he finds another mud to terrorize.

Lol.  I assume yo uare beign facitious.  Either that, or youa re expecting
i think a bit much from your design... but we will see.

>prevention and aid to the victim can occur.  Often this may be the 
>"coincidental" arrival of well-armed city guardsmen.

 A ntoe on this... you indeed have hair trigger gaurdsmaen.. you also jhave
potential contro llags..

Two guys i know got killed b ya guardsman last nigth ebcause they
accdientally targetd each other TRYING to click on a pig.. and the
gaurdsman immediately rushde in swinging his sword.

Problem with bots is.. thye are stupid.  Accdients can cause reactions, and
if theirt actiosn are preprogrammed, they just becoem another part of the
system to "beat."  tehb utthead gets as muchb of a kick out of defeatign
your mechanisms and showing, he thinks, hes smarter then YOU as he does
showing , he thinks, hes better the other players.

At least this has been our experience.

>Gamemasters and many players have the ability to jump into NPCs to
>perform the appropriate spanking.  The butthead is guaranteed by his
>very nature to never advance to this level of trust.

Ah...  human moderation.  Thsi indeed helps with the bot rpoblem, but it
brignins its own qaundries.. levels of staffing fro instacne, what kind of
survailance mechanisms do your peoepl have? Do tehy get notified of events
thropugh out the worls or do teh yhave to be there?

Oh and i TOTALLY disagree with your next statement. To the butthead, staff
powers are just the higherst level of "power" he/she will ACTIVELY try to
con you into giving the to him/her a  freind they can easily manuilpulate.

I hope your 'trusrt' doe snot extend to unlogge duse of thsoe abilities or
I guarnatee you you will have prblems dowbn the line.  Rememebr as well,
that power corrupts...

Jeff Kesselman
Snr. Game Integration Engineer
TEN -- The Total Entertainment Network -- www.ten.net

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