[MUD-Dev] New Topic: Butthead features

Jeff Kesselman jeffk at tenetwork.com
Wed Aug 27 15:11:18 CEST 1997

At 09:10 AM 8/27/97 PST8PDT, you wrote:
>On Wednesday, August 27, 1997 3:17 AM, Jeff 
>Kesselman[SMTP:jeffk at tenetwork.com] wrote:
>> Frankly, I personally believe that UOl is starting to encounetr soem 
>of the
>> same expericnes we had, I'll be inetrested to see how they deal with 
>> I already knwo of groups in UOL (thanks to some infromation lines I
>> develoepd to dela with DSO problems) that have catalogged ways to 
>> what limited saftey measures the game posesses and abuse holes in 
>the balance.
>Hmm, are any of these sorts of loopholes of general interest to the 
>list? If so, would you mind discussing the sort of things you mean? I 

Sure.  I've really been trackign thsi only generally beause it aint MY
p[roblem this time, but I'll see what I can drag out of my contacts.
Needless to say its tricky because the guys whoa re foindign and
catalogging these thinsg do NOt want you fixing them.  To them, this is
what the game is al labout, findign or acquiring an unfair advantage and
exploiting it.

I was told a while back that gaurds don't seem to notice if you kil
lsomeoen ona bridge. I don't knwo if this is stil ltrue or not.  Ill see
what other specifics I can dig up. We all knowm, thansk to the beta test
email list, that the guy who beat lord british was remvoed for finding such
an edge and not tellign management...

>suspect that the ways in which in-game "social control" measures fail 
>(such as reputation systems like yours and mine) would be of general 

The UOL reputatio nsystem seems to be doign something, ive already hreard
the "rigth" kidns of players bitch abotu it on teh DSO news group.
Ofcourse there is one buig difference from what I understand btw yours and
mine-=- yours tags the player whiel mine tags the character.  There are
pluses and minuses to both...

>(Also feel free to email me directly with specific cheats, you 
>betatester you! *wink*)

Yep hap py to, whatever I can fidn out specific enuough to be useful :)

Oh i have heard RUMROS of a dupe-bug.  I find that difficult to believe
because you are sevrer logic based.  A good server side system shoudl not
be prone to these...

Jeff Kesselman
Snr. Game Integration Engineer
TEN -- The Total Entertainment Network -- www.ten.net

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