[MUD-Dev] Describe module

Vadim Tkachenko vadimt at 4cs.com
Thu Dec 18 13:15:37 CET 1997

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Stephen Zepp wrote:
> module to describe an object to a player dynamically based on features of the object, illumination, perception of the
> viewer, and knowledge of the user, taking into acount actual features and any "spoof", or disguised features.
> features_type:
> {
>   string_array * format[MAX_ILLUM_LEVEL];/* X amount of char * format, allowing for different
>                                           * illumination levels.
>                                           * format[ILLUM_BRIGHT].msg = "$n $d.#P $e, and $s.#-P #M $a $m.#-M #S"\                                                 * armourer $q #-S."
>                                           * etc., one format string for each illum level */
>   feature_val base;
>   feature_val encrusted;
>   feature_val engraved;
> };
> feature_val is your storage method of values of various things relating to the object:
>   base : material, general obvious info like stained, damaged, broken, pointy, etc.
>   encrusted: things that are "attached" to the object...gems, wrappings, glued on, whatever.
>   engraved: sigils, runes, names, whatever might be written on an object.
> format strings:
>   how the info is presented for this object.  $ values are textual conversions of feature_vals, and # values are
>   character specific checks:
>   $n name ( namespace or item class type if not named )
>   $d general obvious description stuff
>   $e encrusted descriptions
>   $s sigils, engravings, runes
>   $a magical auras
>   $m other magical "spells" embedded in the object
>   $q quality of the object
>   #P check char perception
>   #M check char magical sight
>   #S check specific player skill named in next keyword
>   #-<X> close specific check.
> Okay, now an explanation :)  This is a first run design, trying to get some
> brainstorming going, so a lot of things haven't been thought out.
>         First of all, an object has a set of real features, and a set 
> of "disguise" features. Perception is automatically
> checked for each $ val to determine which to use, and different features
> from each may be noticed ( disguised and real ).

I'de recommend to generalize abovesaid as follows (once again, the
details are on the project pages :-):

- All objects may have several layers of functionality. For example, you
may be able to recognize the computer, as your experience grows, as a:
	- box
	- humming box
	- thinking humming box
	- pseudo-thinking humming box
	- computer
	- computer running, say, Unix
	- computer running Solaris 2.5.1
	- etc.

Or, as a different example,
	- a stone
	- a gemstone
	- a diamond
	- a diamond of unsurpassed magical power

And, your ability to recognize/use the object depends not only on your
perception, but on arbitrary values, different for every type of that

In my implementation, I differentiate such an objects as:
- classes (diamond is a subclass of gemstone is a subclass of stone)
- special objects (diamond of unsurpassed magical power is a special
instance, not class, of a diamond).

Now, the next question is: how would you differentiate the cases:
- when the object with unrecognizable by you features works regardless
of your knowledge;
- when you have to be able to identify the object before you'd be able
to use it.


> Zoran

Still alive and smile stays on,
Vadim Tkachenko <VadimT at 4CS.Com>
Gradient MUD: (URL HAS CHANGED, you
may not be able to see it at all)
UNIX _is_ user friendly, he's just very picky about who his friends are
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