mud grammar (was Re: Just a bit of musing)
claw at
claw at
Mon Mar 17 09:45:50 CET 1997
On 15/03/97 at 09:39 AM, cg at ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA (Chris Gray)
said: >Insert big smiley here. :-) :-)
>Actually the first could be a problem with the MUD server designer, in
>insisting that all verbs be attached to objects, rather than being global
>in the scenario.
Ahh, not quite so grasshopper!
A verb can also be attahed to a (semi-)global root object, from which damn
near everything is Sod's little creation incenstuously inherits. And Lo!
There breathed upon the land global verbs!
You can then add manual kick-outs to anything local that's more
>If as many verbs as possible are global verbs, then it mostly falls out
>for free.
And you end up with Baal's own creation for your local language matrix.
J C Lawrence Internet: coder at
----------(*) Internet: coder at
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...
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