Resets and repops

Chris Gray cg at ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
Sat Mar 22 08:58:44 CET 1997

[:>: ChrisL], [:> ChrisG], [: ChrisL]

:>:  Remotely controlled/possessed mobiles.
:>:  Demon riders on mobiles.
:>:  'Bots.

:>I'm not sure how to interpret the last 3 examples...

:Remotely controlled/possessed mobiles:  Very similar.
:Enchant/charm/possess/zombie-ise/whatever a mobile, send him where you
:will without moving your own character (cf Heinleinian Puppet Master)
:with the ability to see and hear everything the mobile does.

Ah, OK. Just using other ways to remotely view the locations. I thought
maybe there was some deeper thing you had in mind. I think the thing
to do here is to simply have the modified mobile, whether it is controlled
or just being ridden, get the flag that makes it appear to be a PC
rather than just an NPC. That will make it trigger events, trigger
monsters, etc. One of my NPC's is already that way, and she can be
verbally controlled by anyone around her - makes for some interesting
possibilities, and she is required for one of the quests.

:Sounds like a neat one to me.	Forgery is fine, as long as you can
:guarantee that the forgery is indistinguishable from the original.  eg
:What happens when you summon a mobile that is a forgery?  If you don't
:do summons, and I seem to recall you don't, try something like a
:magical spell which can be delivered to a distant room (fireball?
:charm?  transmogrify?).

Well, my scenario is currently pretty random (just a mishmash of stuff
really). So, there is no true magic system. The "spells" that a wizard
can cast are just functions in the programming language. Ultimately,
that is what I want to aim for, such that all magic is just functions,
whether actively started ("cast") or ongoing ones, perhaps attached to
objects. I do need some kind of magic "economy" for it, and I had
made notes of using colour for names of types of magic. I didn't know
that "Magic: the Gathering" used that, however.

:I'm buried in acceptance testing of a market data delay server.  So
:far we're up to 5,000 messages per seconds (whee!) which is way over
:spec, but they just changed the environment on me and I can't keep the
:thing up for more than 2 seconds before it goes into a frantic core
:loop.	(Yes!  You too can generate 100 core files per second!	Yes!
:You too can eat disk space faster than you ever imagined!  Yes!  It
:gets faster when you kill the synch daemon...)

Set your core limit to 0, and that loop oughta go faster. :-)

Chris Gray   cg at ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA

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