[MUD-Dev] Re: Administrative notes

Orion Henry ohenry at sdcc10.ucsd.edu
Mon May 19 18:08:01 CEST 1997

> [Adam W:]
> :Why?  Why, why, why, why?  I don't get it.
> :If you want to be good at something, you do it a lot.	What is the problem
> :with becoming a good healer by healing, becoming a good fighter by fighting,
> :and becoming a good juggler by juggling?  You just don't like for thinks
> :to make any sort of sense?
> I think the key is that in order to increase your skill, you have to
> be doing more difficult things. So, the healer sitting in town healing
> all of the broken fighters will not gain much (if any!) experience from
> the standard patch-and-set stuff. He needs to do other kinds of healing
> (fighting a plague, doing surgery on innards, sawing holes in skulls to
> let out the nasty demons, etc.) in order to gain more experience as a
> healer. To simplify it to the level of the simple combat experience, a
> healer must heal more severely wounded people, in order to gain more
> experience, just like the fighter must fight tougher monsters in order
> to gain more experience. Similarly, in a skill system, there will be
> many healer skills: bone setting, simple wound patching, poison curing,
> disease fighting (several types, perhaps), major trauma handling, etc.

	Well, that healer who sits in town all day, healing people,
should get REALLY REALLY good at sitting in a town all day healing
people.  When he encounters things he's unfamiliar with or has not
had much experience dealing with, then he should be in trouble (the
plague, major burns, etc...)  But yes, he needs to get a wider
range of experience to be an all encompassing good healer, but he
should be darn good at whatever it is he does day in and day out.
Things that are way out of his league should not educate him as he
doent have any knowledge there.  Things like "patch-and-set"
opperations on broken fighters should only cease to be educational 
when it becomes so routine that it can be done without thought.
Otherwise there is room for imporvement.


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