[MUD-Dev] Re: Administrative notes
Marian Griffith
gryphon at iaehv.nl
Thu May 29 00:07:51 CEST 1997
On Tue 27 May, Adam Wiggins wrote:
> > On Sun 18 May, Adam Wiggins wrote:
> > [Nathan Y:]
> > > I like to think that, even for a fighter, most of the effort should go
> > > into _avoiding_ fights... unless you think you can win, or, say, you are
> > > providing a diversion for someone else or defending a position that needs
> > > defending, or have been paid/ordered/offended into killing that _specific_
> > > person.
> > > Right. You pick the fights you can win. Also, not all (in fact, I'd
> > > like to think most) fights don't end in the death of one of the oponents.
> [Marian:]
> > One of my history teachers told that the traditional (hollywood) image of
> > medieval sieges was completely silly. The reality, he said, was more like
> > having 8 men sit in front of the only exit to the castle and do the
> > occasional round to see if nobody attempted to get away at the other
> > side. Insid the castle were six or so armed men basically staring at
> > them and waited till either group got too bored to bother anymore.
> Oh, sure. :) Most everything we model in these games really isn't half
> as fun in real life, but of course, that's why it's a game. We take
> cues about the mechanics of things from real life to give it consistancy;
> the mood and settings are something we insert to be more interesting than RL.
I wasn't trying to argue that muds are not realistic enough, but rather,
that combat typically is far less dangerous than it is made out to be.
Which makes sense, nobody sane wishes to challenge 1000 to 1 odds. The same
is true for games. If combat is potentially very deadly (and permanently so)
for your characters you need ways to reduce that risk. That includes having
the chance to gracefully back out of dangerous situations, typical monsters
not pursuing the fight until the player is dead, a combat system that focuses
on sparring rather than on attrition of hitpoints, far less difference
between levels, offer the opportunity to players to do something meaningfull
in the game besides fighting ever bigger monsters.
> > My problem is that it doesn't work that way. I can throw balls in the air
> > until my arm falls off without getting in the least better at juggling. Skills
> Heh...here you are wrong. I picked that example because that is *exactly*
> how I learned to juggle.
In that case perhaps juggling is a wrong example. I still belief you can
learn only so much of something by just doing it. You make far better,
and bigger, progress when you have somebody around explaining how to do
it (and why, and showing you).
Yes - at last - You. I Choose you. Out of all the world,
out of all the seeking, I have found you, young sister of
my heart! You are mine and I am yours - and never again
will there be loneliness ...
Rolan Choosing Talia,
Arrows of the Queen, by Mercedes Lackey
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